Sleboda, P., Bruine de Bruin W., Gutsche, T., Arvai, J. (2023). Don’t say vegan or plant-based: Focusing on health and sustainability improves choices for food baskets without meat and dairy. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Lin, E., Sleboda P., Rimel, B.J., Datta, G.D. (2023). Inequities in colorectal and breast cancer screening: At the intersection of race/ethnicity, sexuality, and gender. SSM - Population Health.
Lin, E., Sleboda, P., Rimel, B.J., Chen, J.T., Hernandez, D.V., Datta, G.D. (2023). Sexual orientation and gender identity inequities in cervical cancer screening by race and ethnicity. Cancer Causes & Control.
Sobolev, M., Sleboda, P. (2023). Behavioral Design To Prevent Diagnostic Delays And Errors. Health Affairs Forefront. 10.1377/forefront.20230620.440319
Sleboda, P., Bruine de Bruin, W., Arangua, L., Gutsche, T. (2022). Associations of Eating Identities With Self-Reported Dietary Behaviors and Body Mass Index. Frontiers in Nutrition.
Bubolz, J., Sleboda, P., Lehrman, A., Hansson, S.O., Lagerkvist, C.J., Andersson, Lenman, M., Resjö, S., Ghislain, M., Zahid, M.A., Kieu, N.P., Andreasson, E. (2022). GMO late blight resistant potato field trials in Sweden and consumer attitudes before and after field visit. GM Crops and Food.
Sleboda, P., Lagerkvist CJ. (2022). Tailored Communication Changes Consumers’ Attitudes and Product Preferences for Genetically Modified Food. Food Quality and Preference.
Sleboda, P., Lagerkvist CJ. (2021). The inverse relation between risks and benefits: The impact of individual differences in information processing style. Plos One.
Sleboda, P., Sokolowska J. (2017). Measurements of Rationality: Individual differences in information processing, transitivity of preferences and decision strategies. Frontiers in Psychology.
Sokolowska J., Sleboda, P. (2015). The Inverse Relation between Risks and Benefits: The Role of Affect and Expertise. Risk Analysis Journal.
Published (Polish):
Sleboda, P. (2019). Gerd Gigerenzer. Sylwetka. Decyzje.
Sokolowska, J., Sleboda, P. (2017). Zależność odwrotna: znaczenie afektu i wiedzy eksperckiej. Psychologia Społeczna.
Sleboda, P. (2014). Sprawozdanie z 39 Konferencji IAREP (The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology) 8-13 lipca 2014 r., Paryż. Sprawozdanie z 39 Konferencji IAREP (The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology) 8-13 lipca 2014.
Submitted or in Progress:
Food, Mood, and Emotions: Loss of Control over Eating, Maladaptive Eating Behaviors and Emotions in an Experience Sampling Study (under review with Michael Sobolev, Fred Muench, Sarah J. Salvy and Geetanjali D. Datta)
Food safety: trusted sources of information across the globe sample (Sleboda, P., Bruine de Bruin W., Ulqinaku, A.) targeted journal: Food Security
Acceptability of HPV Self-Sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening in the US: A Systematic Literature Review (Datta G.D., Sleboda P., Yilmaz D., Lin E., Rimel B.J., Giuliano A.) targeted journal: Preventive Medicine
Racial/Ethnic Variation in Cervical Cancer Screening Adherence Among Sexual and Gender Minorities (Lin *E., Sleboda P*., Rimel B.J., Datta G.D.) targeted journal: Cancers
Racial/Ethnic Variation in Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence Among Sexual and Gender Minorities (under review Lin E., Sleboda P., Rimel B.J., Datta G.D.)
Obesity, Cancer, and Public Belief in Science Across the World. (Sleboda, P., Bruine de Bruin W., Datta G.D.) targeted journal: Social Science and Medicine
Health Behavior and Sustainability: The Socio-cognitive Model. (Sleboda, P.) targeted journal: Judgment and Decision Making
Dishonesty in Food Value Chain: Experimental Evidence from India Dairy Farm (Rommel, J., Ghosh, R.K., Lagerkvist C.J., Sleboda, P., Srigiri, S.R.) targeted journal: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes